Friday 30 November 2012

A2 Media Studies- Production Plan

Production of Music Video

In this post i'm showing how far i have come within my filming and prodction, this by showing the number of shots i have done and the series in which i have done them, i haven't completely finished filming however i plan to finish within the next couple of weeks...

Hope you enjoyed my post and no have a better idea on the path i want to take within my music video, also when i have the last shots filmed i will post them up for you on the production plan.

Friday 16 November 2012

A2 Media Studies- Music Videos

Contrasting Music Video's

In this post i will be looking at types of music videos that contrast to Demi Lovato's 'Give Your Heart A Break'.

After looking at many different types of music videos i found a few new artist releases that are the opposite to my music video. The first is 'Your Body' by Christina Aguilera

This music video is a contrast to 'Give your heart a break' because in the music video 'your body' its more about rebelling and fighting back by breaking others guys hearts and making them feel the pain that the main character feels instead of sorting out the situation.

Christina in this music video is showing her female dominance and showing how she is not going to be played by any male, because she can play them 10 times harder. Its impowering to females in the sense that she is showing them that they have power to control men and not let men control them. 

The next music video is 'One More Night' By Maroon 5

In this music video Maroon are showing the dysfunctional relationship of him and his 'Wife', 'Girlfriend' and 'Babies mother'. You can see from the music video that there is a false sense of the relationship and it’s not real and they put up with each other for their child.

At the end of the music video when the lead singer is left on his own because his wife/ girlfriend has packed up everything and gone, he doesn’t seem to bothered and says "I don’t know, whatever" showing that any chemistry between the two characters has truly disintegrated.

As you can see both of these music videos are an extreme contrast from my music video because in my music video my main character Francesca is showing how people can be wrong and have to appolgise for what they have said and done when their wrong. However in the music video's above are showing strong woman and dysfunctional relationships which can't be fixed. 

Hope you liked seeing the types of contrasts you can have when it comes to music videos and the way the artist feels about their life and other people within their life.  

A2 Media Studies- Screen Tests

Screen Tests

In class we were looking at screen tests as it will assist us when it came to filming for our final projects, which mine is the music video. A screen test is when the director goes out to a location similar to where they are going to film the final project, and do shots of scenes they may incorporate within their music video or any other project they may be taking on when it comes to filming.  

I took on the task of screen tests for my music video to give me some shots and angles which i may incorporate into my music video.

I had to consider many factors when it came my screen tests i had to think about the location and the limits i had when filming. For my location i had to use a wooded area within my school and my friend Sophie was a fit in for my actor and from this is could determine what shots i may use. For the screen tests i used 'Mr Brighside' by The Killers as i did not have my song and i wanted to play around and experiment with my screen shots and the editing for them.

Any way below is the final piece, i hope you enjoy...

Just to warn you i only did a small amount of filming when it came to my screen tests and only included the clips which i thought were most suitable and fun for when it came to my music video, and i have only around 50 seconds of clips. However i have left the rest of the song on the video just in case you wanted to hear and enjoyed that's why the screen goes black. Hope you enjoyed my screen tests is only a small glimpse into how good my final music video it's going to be.  

Thursday 8 November 2012

A2 Media Studies-Production


In this post i want to keep you up-to-date with whats going on within my media production and all the stages i have completed and need to complete. I will be posting podcasts about my production and how it coming along, below is the first inside into whats going on within my production.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

A2 Media Studies- Concept for Theme

Concept for my Music Video

After much thought and deliberation i have come up with a set theme for my music video to give it more of an edge.

Due to my location being at Bournemouth beach i wanted to tie this in with the theme of the over all music video. I wanted the sea (water) and the sand (land) to tie into what i was portraying within my music video.

Therefore i have decided to represent the characters in my music video Francesca and Fin as the land and water. 

I have decided to do this because water and land work together as one, who are at peace with each other. However, at other times they are at war with each other and fighting. This happens in relations, sometimes they are really good and other times they fight.

I want to show Francesca being the one try to restore the peace and giving a symbol which is a white rose representing the earth.... 

And fin placing into a glass of water showing that the earth and water are reuninted and are at peace with eachother. This relfelcting the characters and how they do love each others and there are small guestures that make all the fighting and upset just become yeaterdays news.

The image below show the water and a piece of the earth together.....

Hope you have a better idea of my concept for my theme and it is interesting to you :)

A2 Media Studies- Story Boarding

Story Boarding

For my production i need to have an overall idea of what shots I'm going to do and what clips i want to include in certain orders, that's why i have created a story board. It's almost like a shot list, however i don't think i will be following this exactly its just an overview so i know what to include and what shots are essential for me to get. 

Its a nice overview for during production, below are pictures i have taken of my drawn story board...

This fist image is the first half of my story board.

This second image is the second half of my story board. 

Thursday 11 October 2012

A2 Media Studies- Can't Copy Right Songs

A2 Media Studies- Asking Permission

Due to the Song 'Give Your Heart A Break' by Demi Lovato is a song that has copy right protection there i need to ask for permission to be able to use this song in my music video for A2 Media Studies. Therefore I sent this message to Demi Lovato fan page and now I'm just waiting on a response from Demi Lovato 

This is showing you guys that i have defiantly sent an email to Demi Lovato and I'm just waiting on a reply :D 

Thursday 4 October 2012

A2 Media Studies- Styles

Since I'm using the song 'Give your Heart a Break' by Demi Lovato i wanted to give the characters a mature and grown up sense of style which includes hair and make up. I wanted the characters to look both natural and mature making them more relateable to a more mature teenage audience.
For Francesca my female character i wanted a natural smokey eye with soft waves......something like this for make up...
And a natural wavy hair, which looks a bit like this.....

For my male character Fin I wanted him to be up to date in style and also stylish and relateable, even though i cant put make up on Fin i want to give him a swept over hair style a little like the picture below....

Hope you enjoy the styles i have chosen and they are relateable to you as the audience any comments let me know below and i hope you enjoyed my post.

A2 Media Studies- Casting

A2 Media Studies- Casting

These are the final people i chose to star within my music video...

Francesca Montanino

This is my close friend Francesca Montanino, she is a performing arts student at A level and she has many talents. Francesca can sing, dance and act and she is available to come to my location when i need her. I thought this was a perfect choice and to make this music video my own I am thinking about  recording Francesca singing the song and put that on the track instead of the Hollywood version of the song.

The next bit was the tricky bit because we needed to find a male character As soon as possible to get some shots to get a rough idea of what type if music video i wanted and what scenes i wanted i=to incorporate.

After much thought and deliberation, i decided to use Fin Mckenna to come and perform in my music video, this is Fin.....

I choose Fin for many reasons: he lives in bournemouth so it is easy access for me and my cast, he is very natural in front of the camera therefore i can make the emotions feel more real to the audience making them engage more within the music video. Finally Francesca and Fin work well as a pair and they have been family friends since they were little babies therefore i knew they would work well with one another.

Hope you have enjoyed my post and have a good understanding of my characters, why I picked them and also i hope you like the look of them :) 

A2 Media Studies- Research into Costume

Research into Costume

When it comes to the costume for my music video, i want it to be extremely casual, but at the same time modern and relatable to people who are within my target audience so this is females from the ages of 13-20+.

When it comes to the female clothing i wanted something formal as well as casual! below are some of the ideas i was think of the female to wear...

 I was thinking jeans for the female character for some of the shots because they are casual, modern and everyone wears jeans so non of my audience will be put off by the jeans that they are wearing. Furthermore due to the song being natural and casual i believe jeans will let off that type of vibe.

 Also i was thinking a plane, dark coloured top as it is simple and not distracting from the female character who is singing within the music video.


I was also think about the female character and how she would try and impress her partner or boyfriend if she felt like something was on the edge or something therefore i went with a casual short fun dress and a maxi dress. Both these dresses extremely fun and beautiful but yet again I went with Black as it is not distracting from the character and the audience is more focused on the song and the singing to the outfits the characters are wearing. 

On the other hand we have the male character, this is what I think the male character should be wearing...

 I think the male should be casual and normal to give the audience a sense in reality within the song, this making the audience more emotionally drawn and attracted to the characters and the meaning within the song. That's why i want the male character to be wearing skinny or slim fit jeans to show the casual environment and not distracting from the scene to much.                   
Going for the basic jumper is the some reason for the jeans, they may not necessarily be black however they will be simple to not distract from the scene and allowing the song have their moment to shine and not let the clothes take their place :)

Hope you enjoyed my post!

Research Into Location

Research Into Location

My Ideal place to film my music video would be somewhere magical, somewhere that is breath taking and out of this world such as the Bahamas....

This would be my idea place to film because you would have a wide stretch of sea and land to work with and its such a fun and different place to be.

However i have come to the realisation that filming in the Bahamas is only a dream, due to cost, time and it would be a big inconvenience. Therefore the place that is second best and the location i will be filming is Bournemouth Beach In Dorset

Bournemouth Beach is a brilliant location for me, i was down in Bournemouth last weekend with my two actor's one who lives there and we got some really good footage of the sceneary. This has made me extremely confidant in the loaction i have chosen and i'm extremely pleased with using Bournemouth as my location.

I wont be just using the beach, I will also be using other loactions around Bournemouth. Bournemouth is like a second home for me and it is really easy to get my actors, props and equipment there to film so i believe this is an ideal location for me to film in.

When i was in Bournemouth I took a few shots of the beach, take a look below:

This is what Bournemouth Beach looked like on the 22nd of September 2012......Stunning.

This is one of my actors or shall i say actresses 'Francesca Montanino' who is the lead singer within my music Video. Here is a shot i took whilst filming scenes and Bournemouth Beach, it was a spectacular day which was perfect to film in.

A2 Media Studies-Cating

Casting Actors

It is important that as i director that i auditioned possible candidates to star within my music video 'Give your heart a break' by Demi Lovato. I considered a cast list and sent emails to those people who i thought would be most appropriate, and asked them to send some information on themselves and a head shot which i can use to my advantage within the audition to really see who will fit within the role. 

I received replay's from 4 females and 3 males sending me their head shot and below are the comments i made on them during the audition:


Francesca Montanino-  Francesca is an extremely confident person she knows what she is doing and it seems to come natural when acting out a scene, she is available on the dates i need to be at my location at bournemouth beach. She is extremely co-operative and i believe i can work well with her as an actor. There is no negative comments that i have to say about Francesca.  

Jackie Hibberd- Jackie was another confident candidate, she was natural and relaxed. However jackie seemed slightly confrontation something that can be difficult to work with, and we have conflicting schedules which means i cant film when it is best for me. 

Simone Mayer- Simone is an extremely beautiful, smart actor, she knew her lines and read them well. However she was extremely nervous and it didn't seem natural.

Rebecca Underwood- She knew all her lines and read them well, however yet again it seem rehearsed and i need a more natural actor to make the emotions more really in my music video.


Finian Mckenna- He was very natural and he seemed to know what he was doing, he made me believe the emotion of the text and i was impressed on his effort. He was free to film on all the dates and he was an extremely good candidate.


Luke Sulley- Luke was a very nice candidate and he seemed excited and ready to audition, however he wasn't a natural actor even though he knew his lines they weren't delivered naturally.

Jake Wood- Jake was very interesting, he seemed to take a different stance on the text and make into a comedy instead of a romantic piece. However he tries hard and impressed us with his adaption to the text.

After much deliberation i came to a firm conclusion that i wanted Francesca Montanino and Finian Mckenna to be the main characters in my music video.  


Wednesday 3 October 2012

A2 Media Studies- Results from Poll's

Results from Poll's 

The winner's of my poll's are....... 

Music Video

Ans the song i will be using for my music Video is.......

Demi Lovato- 'Give your heart a break' 

Now i know what type of brief I'm doing and the song i can start to cast people and start thinking more about everything that will be included into my music video :)

Here is the video to recap the song and also a picture of Demi Lovato :)

Hope you enjoyed my podcast!!!! 

Monday 24 September 2012

A2 Media Studies

A2 Media Studies- Pitching Idea 

As a class we had to pitch our what our ideas were for our final piece for A2 media studies. We could pitch in any way we wanted and i did a powerpoint as it is visual and the class can see my idea and what i want to do, i believe doing something visual helps the audience to understand better the idea i have. Below is the powerpoint i did for my pitching idea, enjoy...

A2 Media Studies

A2 Media Studies- Target Audience Research

Target Audience Research 

To know more about my Music videos and the type of audience they might receive I underwent audience research. I asked 100 people 6 quick questions. I asked 100 people so i could receive a variety of different result from a number of different people.
Audience Research

Hope you have enjoyed my powerpoint on audience research...

Monday 10 September 2012

A2 Media Studies- Music videos

Music Video Research

Recently on TV I was watching the 2012 MTV VMA'S awards and Taylor Swift, this sweet singer who i used to think of being all little and innocent came on.

She has totally changed, she has turned into this confidant woman who was singing 'we are never getting back together'. After seeing her on the MTV VMA'S i had to see the music video for research and ideas for my music Video.

What i found blew me away i loved the whole music video it was so fun and amazing it really made me love the song. Now i have found a new music interest in Taylor swift because now she has an edge and she is not the boring cute love song girl anymore.  

This is Taylor Swift now and she has changed from the photo you an see above you take a look:

This is Taylor Swifts new music video for her new song which is called 'we are never getting back together' it is honestly brilliant and so fun...

There's many elements in this music video which i love!!! i love the people dancing dressed in the animal costumes i think that is pure genius and so ironic to go with this music video, but i dont think that would fit as nicely within my music video as it is in this one. What i really like is that Taylor Swift is being a strong woman in this music video and showing how she is not going to be pushed around by a man and let him walk all over her. 

Even though the music video is funny and fun to watch it still has a strong message and this is what i want to portray in my music video. I thought i would share this with you because it is well crafted and so fun. 

Hope you enjoyed the music video as much as i did :D

A2 Media Studies- Notes and Inspiration

Notes and Inspiration

This post is linked to my music video post which is the post directly before this one. What happened on sunday was i had just got home from a meal out and i was listening to 'Give your heart a break' by Demi Lovato and the ideas for both my music video and teaser trailer came to me and i just starting writing my ideas down on a piece of paper. Anyway this is what i came up for the teaser trailer i hope you enjoy my notes and have a better understanding of what i want out of a teaser trailer.  

This image above is the Brain storm for my teaser trailer.

Where on the right is the idea i came up with for the teaser trailer and its the main story behind the teaser trailer.

Hope you have enjoyed looking at my post and getting a better idea of what is to come out of my A2 final piece for Media Studies :D

A2 Media Studies- Music Video Ideas

Music Video Ideas 

I have got many different ideas that i want to incorporate into my Music Video. Lately i have been thinking of what to do for my music video and i had loads of ideas but nothing that went together just right, which got really frustrating! However last night i started to listen carefully to different music videos and all these ideas just came bursting in to my head it was like a light bulb switched on and i just started writing.

I took some pictures of what i came up with and i hope you can get an overall idea of where I'm going with a music video...

Here are my notes which I wrote up on Sunday night....

This is the Brain storm of the music video, this was the true part of my inspiration when writing the idea for my music video . 

This is the meaning behind the songs, these two songs are the two that really jump out at me and that I'm edging towards, however it more likely to be  'Give your heart a break' than 'I wont give up on us'.

These are some notes on the location ideas and the possible actors i have in mind for the music video. At the moment I'm thinking about my friend Francesca Montanino and Simone Mayer to be included in the film

These are the notes i came up with i hope you have a better idea of my Idea :) 

Friday 7 September 2012

A2 Media Studies-Music Video Research

Music Video Research 

I have done this podcast to explain what is going on in this post: 

This first song is one of my favourites, its called 'give your heart a break' by Demi Lovato who is a very talented artist in my eyes. I like this song because its a very soft song and it is also emotional, making you feel something different and seeing something from a different perspective. Not only that this song makes you think about things, which is what i like in a song and i hope you like it too...

The next song I'm putting up on my blog is extremely special to me and its a lot different to 'Give your heart a break' because its by the Foo Fighters who have a completely different style of music to Demi Lovato. This song 'Best of you' by the Foo Fighters is special to me because i saw it live a couple of months ago and ever since i have seen it i have loved it, this song yet again makes you think about things and is a lot different to most songs!!! I hope you enjoy it as much as i do. 

 Another song which is really sad and soppy yet i really enjoy listening to is 'Wide Awake' by the amazing Katy Perry. This song is a lot different to 'Best of you' because it is a pop song and it is softer to rock which is the genre of the Foo's however i love this song and yet again it with the image i have for my music video. 

 The next song is by a new found favourite artist of mine its Jessie Jay and her song 'domino' i like this song because its extremely fun and it makes you feel happy. I think this song would fit in nicely with the vision i have for a music video!!! So tell me what you think... 

 This next song is such a fun song and i love the band All time Low, i have also seen them live and they were just so fun and entertaining and i would love to use one of their songs for my music video. the song i would use is called 'Just the way i'm not' i find this song really ironic and cool and i think i could make a really good music video out of this song, so here it is: 

 This last song is a very slow emotional song, but i think it so sweet and powerful at the same time!!! it is by the amazing Jason Mraz who i love and find his songs extremely inspirational and i think that i could really work with this song to make it different and unique. I hope you like it as much as i do :)  

If you could do the poll on the right hand side of my blog that would be great in helping to decided what amazing song to choose, hope you enjoyed the songs :) 

Thursday 6 September 2012

Podcast-Teaser Trailers

Podcast-Teaser Trailers

This post is a very different post to my other because instead of writing loafs of information you can read i have put it into a podcast which is explaining this post and the other clips within this post so i hope you all enjoy my podcast....

This is the first ever trailer i made with my best mate Jake Wood otherwise known as Ginge!! it is so cheesy but i hope you can see how far we have come from this first clip. 

This is our second ever trailer/ clip its an improvement to the first one i think, have a look for yourself...

This is the third trailer/ clip that we made this one i find so fun especially near the end when the hat hits the camera as it cuts out!!! this was truly one our magic moments that we were proud of, it kinda gives us goose bumps very time we watch it.

This next video we included my little brother in Alex Innocenti as it was a hot day we wanted to film a water fight its not the best one we have ever done but it was fun to do and edit it together and i hope you have as much fun watching it as we did filming it. 

This is one of our most recent videos that we have done and in this one we have included mine and Ginge's best mate Francesca M she also went to the Marlborough school and me, Ginge and Frankie are literally like the 3 musketeers!!! this is why we had to include her into one of the clips because it wouldn't be right doing one without her, however me and Ginge hope to create more clips and when we do i will upload them for you to see.

Hope you have enjoyed all the clips that me and my best friend Jake Wood have done they were so fun to make, and has made my love for media and filming even greater !!! Hope you have enjoyed the clips :)  

Film Review-TED

Film Review-TED 

I have made a film review for the movie TED which i recently saw in the cinema, everything i have to say about the movie is all included within the PowerPoint. ask me any questions enjoy the PowerPoint.
TED Review

This is a link to the official 2012 TED the movie website, there is a lot of fun interesting things involved on the website and take a look and see for yourself you may enjoy it...

Below is the trailer for Ted thought i might include it so you can have a sense on how funny the film actually is and there's more funny scenes in the movie:

Hope you have enjoyed my review on TED 

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Research- American History X

Research- American History X

Today in A2 Media Studies we looked at this scene from the movie American History x, this film is old fashioned and was in black and white. 

The scene we saw today was of a family at a dinner table discussing the issue of black and white people which was big in the olden days for American families. 

However the theme of the clip is about racial disagreement and allows people to think about the feelings of black and white people and how black people were extremely misjudged, as well as being extremely Miss-treated. 

The clip below is what we watched in media Studies, take a look and if you have any opinions on the scene comment below i would love to have a discussion about it.

Enjoy the clip :)....


Film Review- Audience Research

Film review-Audience Research 

Audience research can be done in many ways such as:
  • Questionnaires 
  • Polls
  • Interviews 
  • Internet 
In addition there are many other ways in which people can do research on a specific or general audience.

The other month i went to the cinema and i also went to the cinema this month, now your probably thinking what this blog is about..... well its about my experiences of both films and the audiences in the films. 

The first film i saw was Batman 'The Dark Knight Rises'  
Below is the trailer for the film as well as an image of the cover:


When i watched the film 'The Dark Night Rises', which has been around for ages as films, it was sold out. The entire cinema was full of people who were excited and full of joy to be watching the incredible      movie of batman 'The Dark Night Rises' and i'm not a Batman fan, so i didn't think i would enjoy the film as much as i did it was breathtaking and amazing the editing and skill that must have gone into that movie was insane. 

Also recently i went to go and see the keith Lemon Movie which is a popular TV series that is watched frequently by people however it is fairly new and not very well known. Yet gain i'm not really a fan of keith Lemon and i was expecting the cinema to be full of annoying Keith Lemon fans! Below is the trailer for the film:

When i went to see Keith Lemon the film there was exactly 7 people in the cinema that including myself and my little brother and even though the film was funny in parts and interesting (i guess) it wasn't what i expected. 

From this it shows that classic well know films such as the Batman series are more enjoyed and seen by larger audiences to Tv series such as Keith Lemon the film. Also the quality of both films were very different and that may also be a factors as well.

However soon i will be going into Oxford with Sophie Mania and Jackie Hibberd to give people coming out the popular and well know odeon in Oxford, George Street a face-to-face questionnaire so we are able to gather more audience research for our coursework in Media studies.