Friday 16 November 2012

A2 Media Studies- Music Videos

Contrasting Music Video's

In this post i will be looking at types of music videos that contrast to Demi Lovato's 'Give Your Heart A Break'.

After looking at many different types of music videos i found a few new artist releases that are the opposite to my music video. The first is 'Your Body' by Christina Aguilera

This music video is a contrast to 'Give your heart a break' because in the music video 'your body' its more about rebelling and fighting back by breaking others guys hearts and making them feel the pain that the main character feels instead of sorting out the situation.

Christina in this music video is showing her female dominance and showing how she is not going to be played by any male, because she can play them 10 times harder. Its impowering to females in the sense that she is showing them that they have power to control men and not let men control them. 

The next music video is 'One More Night' By Maroon 5

In this music video Maroon are showing the dysfunctional relationship of him and his 'Wife', 'Girlfriend' and 'Babies mother'. You can see from the music video that there is a false sense of the relationship and it’s not real and they put up with each other for their child.

At the end of the music video when the lead singer is left on his own because his wife/ girlfriend has packed up everything and gone, he doesn’t seem to bothered and says "I don’t know, whatever" showing that any chemistry between the two characters has truly disintegrated.

As you can see both of these music videos are an extreme contrast from my music video because in my music video my main character Francesca is showing how people can be wrong and have to appolgise for what they have said and done when their wrong. However in the music video's above are showing strong woman and dysfunctional relationships which can't be fixed. 

Hope you liked seeing the types of contrasts you can have when it comes to music videos and the way the artist feels about their life and other people within their life.  

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