Monday 10 September 2012

A2 Media Studies- Notes and Inspiration

Notes and Inspiration

This post is linked to my music video post which is the post directly before this one. What happened on sunday was i had just got home from a meal out and i was listening to 'Give your heart a break' by Demi Lovato and the ideas for both my music video and teaser trailer came to me and i just starting writing my ideas down on a piece of paper. Anyway this is what i came up for the teaser trailer i hope you enjoy my notes and have a better understanding of what i want out of a teaser trailer.  

This image above is the Brain storm for my teaser trailer.

Where on the right is the idea i came up with for the teaser trailer and its the main story behind the teaser trailer.

Hope you have enjoyed looking at my post and getting a better idea of what is to come out of my A2 final piece for Media Studies :D

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