Wednesday 5 September 2012

Film Review- Audience Research

Film review-Audience Research 

Audience research can be done in many ways such as:
  • Questionnaires 
  • Polls
  • Interviews 
  • Internet 
In addition there are many other ways in which people can do research on a specific or general audience.

The other month i went to the cinema and i also went to the cinema this month, now your probably thinking what this blog is about..... well its about my experiences of both films and the audiences in the films. 

The first film i saw was Batman 'The Dark Knight Rises'  
Below is the trailer for the film as well as an image of the cover:


When i watched the film 'The Dark Night Rises', which has been around for ages as films, it was sold out. The entire cinema was full of people who were excited and full of joy to be watching the incredible      movie of batman 'The Dark Night Rises' and i'm not a Batman fan, so i didn't think i would enjoy the film as much as i did it was breathtaking and amazing the editing and skill that must have gone into that movie was insane. 

Also recently i went to go and see the keith Lemon Movie which is a popular TV series that is watched frequently by people however it is fairly new and not very well known. Yet gain i'm not really a fan of keith Lemon and i was expecting the cinema to be full of annoying Keith Lemon fans! Below is the trailer for the film:

When i went to see Keith Lemon the film there was exactly 7 people in the cinema that including myself and my little brother and even though the film was funny in parts and interesting (i guess) it wasn't what i expected. 

From this it shows that classic well know films such as the Batman series are more enjoyed and seen by larger audiences to Tv series such as Keith Lemon the film. Also the quality of both films were very different and that may also be a factors as well.

However soon i will be going into Oxford with Sophie Mania and Jackie Hibberd to give people coming out the popular and well know odeon in Oxford, George Street a face-to-face questionnaire so we are able to gather more audience research for our coursework in Media studies. 

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