Wednesday 5 September 2012

Compare and Contrast

Compare and contrast 

When it comes to the A2 briefs were given all of them were appealing and interesting briefs to carry out for my final A2 piece for media studies, however there were 2 briefs in particular which really attracted me and drew me in. Those two briefs are the following briefs below:  

1. A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two of the following three options: 
·         a website homepage for the band;
·         a cover for its release on DVD; 
·         A magazine advertisement for the DVD.

Above the images our of two of my favourite bands My Chemical Romance (MCR) and Plan B and below i will give you links to their music videos which really inspire me to make a music video for my final piece for A2 media studies:

My Chemical Romance- I'm not Okay (music video line)

What i like about this video from MCR which is called 'I'm Not Okay' is how its been put together with actual scenes from the school which include dialogue and also incorporating the music over the scene within the school i find extremely creative and fun as well for the audience. In addition i find the scene where they are plying their instruments in the room, which has a studio feel to it, is also an interesting twist which is always keeping the audience interested.

Plan B-Stay too long (music video link)

What draws me in about Plan B's music video is that throughout their album of the deformation of Strickland Banks it plays a story and the music videos are different scenes which build up this interesting and fun movie. Furthermore in the Stay too long video he interlinks the rap within the music which i find extremely cool and fun making me want to listen to more. I find things like this really draws the audience in.

2. A promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with two of the following three options: 
·         a website homepage for the film; 
·         a film magazine front cover, featuring the film; 
·         a poster for the film

Im also very interested in doing a teaser trailer as you can pull very strong emotions out of the person watching it such as:
- Joy 
- Anger 
- Excitement 
- Love 
- Realisation 
- and sadness 

My sisters keeper is an amazing movie which brings out the many different emotions and really makes people stop and think, the only reason i watched this movie was because of the trailer and without that motivation and pulling force from the trailers a lot of great movies aren't seen.
Below is the Trailer for 'My sisters Keeper' have a look and see what i mean:

Another trailer which always excites me and makes me want to go and see the movie is the twilight series, every time a new trailer comes out in the cinema i jump up and get goose bumps and the trailer really makes everything exciting and real. Thats what i love about the twilight series it get you exited and makes you want to see the movie asap and not on the released date.
Below is the trailer to one of my favourite movie series 'Braking Dawn Part 1'

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