Wednesday 5 September 2012

Media Studies- The Bridge

The Bridge 

In media Studies we watched some of the film 'The Bridge', we were told prior to watching the film that it was based on a true story and has a unpleasant story line as this film was about people committing suicide of the Golden gate bridge in San Fransisco. Any way when we were watching the clip we were told to focus on the 5 W's which include:
  • Who 
  • What 
  • Why 
  • Where 
  • When 
Throughout the clip i noted down a few things whilst keeping up to date with the film and everything that was happening within the film. However i believe the trailer  says a lot about a little here take a look for yourself:

As you can see from the Trailer it answer pretty much the 5 W's in one. this movie really made you think how people must be feeling, I mean driving yourself to suicide it couldn't be easy, however it happens and i think this film was trying to capture a message and make people aware of what happens around them. I think this film is emotional yet moving and if you haven't seen it, watch it!! it will maybe make you see life differently.    

This is what the DVD cover to the bridge looks like, if you ever find it pick it up :)

This image above is The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, its absolutely stunning and at the same time mysterious. I wonder what people feel when they jump off this bridge, maybe they want to end their lives in an extremely beautiful place?

We will never know...  

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