Monday 10 September 2012

A2 Media Studies- Music Video Ideas

Music Video Ideas 

I have got many different ideas that i want to incorporate into my Music Video. Lately i have been thinking of what to do for my music video and i had loads of ideas but nothing that went together just right, which got really frustrating! However last night i started to listen carefully to different music videos and all these ideas just came bursting in to my head it was like a light bulb switched on and i just started writing.

I took some pictures of what i came up with and i hope you can get an overall idea of where I'm going with a music video...

Here are my notes which I wrote up on Sunday night....

This is the Brain storm of the music video, this was the true part of my inspiration when writing the idea for my music video . 

This is the meaning behind the songs, these two songs are the two that really jump out at me and that I'm edging towards, however it more likely to be  'Give your heart a break' than 'I wont give up on us'.

These are some notes on the location ideas and the possible actors i have in mind for the music video. At the moment I'm thinking about my friend Francesca Montanino and Simone Mayer to be included in the film

These are the notes i came up with i hope you have a better idea of my Idea :) 

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