Thursday 4 October 2012

A2 Media Studies- Research into Costume

Research into Costume

When it comes to the costume for my music video, i want it to be extremely casual, but at the same time modern and relatable to people who are within my target audience so this is females from the ages of 13-20+.

When it comes to the female clothing i wanted something formal as well as casual! below are some of the ideas i was think of the female to wear...

 I was thinking jeans for the female character for some of the shots because they are casual, modern and everyone wears jeans so non of my audience will be put off by the jeans that they are wearing. Furthermore due to the song being natural and casual i believe jeans will let off that type of vibe.

 Also i was thinking a plane, dark coloured top as it is simple and not distracting from the female character who is singing within the music video.


I was also think about the female character and how she would try and impress her partner or boyfriend if she felt like something was on the edge or something therefore i went with a casual short fun dress and a maxi dress. Both these dresses extremely fun and beautiful but yet again I went with Black as it is not distracting from the character and the audience is more focused on the song and the singing to the outfits the characters are wearing. 

On the other hand we have the male character, this is what I think the male character should be wearing...

 I think the male should be casual and normal to give the audience a sense in reality within the song, this making the audience more emotionally drawn and attracted to the characters and the meaning within the song. That's why i want the male character to be wearing skinny or slim fit jeans to show the casual environment and not distracting from the scene to much.                   
Going for the basic jumper is the some reason for the jeans, they may not necessarily be black however they will be simple to not distract from the scene and allowing the song have their moment to shine and not let the clothes take their place :)

Hope you enjoyed my post!

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