Thursday 4 October 2012

Research Into Location

Research Into Location

My Ideal place to film my music video would be somewhere magical, somewhere that is breath taking and out of this world such as the Bahamas....

This would be my idea place to film because you would have a wide stretch of sea and land to work with and its such a fun and different place to be.

However i have come to the realisation that filming in the Bahamas is only a dream, due to cost, time and it would be a big inconvenience. Therefore the place that is second best and the location i will be filming is Bournemouth Beach In Dorset

Bournemouth Beach is a brilliant location for me, i was down in Bournemouth last weekend with my two actor's one who lives there and we got some really good footage of the sceneary. This has made me extremely confidant in the loaction i have chosen and i'm extremely pleased with using Bournemouth as my location.

I wont be just using the beach, I will also be using other loactions around Bournemouth. Bournemouth is like a second home for me and it is really easy to get my actors, props and equipment there to film so i believe this is an ideal location for me to film in.

When i was in Bournemouth I took a few shots of the beach, take a look below:

This is what Bournemouth Beach looked like on the 22nd of September 2012......Stunning.

This is one of my actors or shall i say actresses 'Francesca Montanino' who is the lead singer within my music Video. Here is a shot i took whilst filming scenes and Bournemouth Beach, it was a spectacular day which was perfect to film in.

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