Thursday 4 October 2012

A2 Media Studies-Cating

Casting Actors

It is important that as i director that i auditioned possible candidates to star within my music video 'Give your heart a break' by Demi Lovato. I considered a cast list and sent emails to those people who i thought would be most appropriate, and asked them to send some information on themselves and a head shot which i can use to my advantage within the audition to really see who will fit within the role. 

I received replay's from 4 females and 3 males sending me their head shot and below are the comments i made on them during the audition:


Francesca Montanino-  Francesca is an extremely confident person she knows what she is doing and it seems to come natural when acting out a scene, she is available on the dates i need to be at my location at bournemouth beach. She is extremely co-operative and i believe i can work well with her as an actor. There is no negative comments that i have to say about Francesca.  

Jackie Hibberd- Jackie was another confident candidate, she was natural and relaxed. However jackie seemed slightly confrontation something that can be difficult to work with, and we have conflicting schedules which means i cant film when it is best for me. 

Simone Mayer- Simone is an extremely beautiful, smart actor, she knew her lines and read them well. However she was extremely nervous and it didn't seem natural.

Rebecca Underwood- She knew all her lines and read them well, however yet again it seem rehearsed and i need a more natural actor to make the emotions more really in my music video.


Finian Mckenna- He was very natural and he seemed to know what he was doing, he made me believe the emotion of the text and i was impressed on his effort. He was free to film on all the dates and he was an extremely good candidate.


Luke Sulley- Luke was a very nice candidate and he seemed excited and ready to audition, however he wasn't a natural actor even though he knew his lines they weren't delivered naturally.

Jake Wood- Jake was very interesting, he seemed to take a different stance on the text and make into a comedy instead of a romantic piece. However he tries hard and impressed us with his adaption to the text.

After much deliberation i came to a firm conclusion that i wanted Francesca Montanino and Finian Mckenna to be the main characters in my music video.  


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