Saturday 4 May 2013

A2 Media Studies- Final Music Video

A2 Media Studies final production

Finally i have completed my final copy of my A2 final media production of 'Give Your Heart A Break'. I have worked for month trying to get this exactly how i wanted it and im extremely pleased with the resualts I have recieved. 

I hope you enjoyed me music video!!

Friday 3 May 2013

A2 Media Studies- AncillaryTexts

Ancillary Text- Poster for Main Product

This is my final poster for my main product of the music video. I spent a lot of time choosing the correct picture and making sure the poster turned out exactly how i wanted it to. 

I believe my poster turned out really well and i think yet again this is still showing another side to my characters personality and also linking in with my main product as she is wearing the same dress as in the music video. I hope you like and leave me any comments letting me know what you think

A2 Media Studies- AncillaryText

Final Ancillary Text- DVD Cover

After much thought and hard work i have finally made my DVD cover to the music video I constructed, i hope you like it and any comments and thoughts would be much appriciated 

I believe that i have made a successful DVD cover for my main product as it shows a different side to my character and i hope you love it as much as I do :D

Thursday 2 May 2013

A2 Media Studies- Editing Ancillary Texts DVD Cover

Editing Ancillary Texts DVD Cover

This is the editing stages of my DVD Cover, i edited it in photo shop becasue i wanted to make as realistic as possible to the audience.  

Yet again i wanted to show a different side to my characters personality and also like this in with my main product and poster. Therefore the wall papaer links in with my poster and the screen shots on the back of my DVD cover links in with my main product. Also to make this as realistic as possible I have put the age ratings on and other stickers on it.

Hope you have enjoyed my post and leave me any comments below to let me know what you think!!

A2 Media Studies- Editing My Ancillary Poster

Editing My Ancillary Poster

In order to make my poster successful I spent allot of time on photo shop ensuring I captured the image that best portrayed a different side to my character yet that still links in with my main product.

Below is a screen shot of me editing my poster in photo shop....

In my poster i wanted to show a more mature side to my main character Francesca, however still linking it with my main product. Therefore the dress that is within my main product she is wearing in the poster to show the link. Her make-up and hair is showing the more mature side to her character making her more versatile and attractive to a wider audience.

There is more on my poster and i hope you enjoyed this blog
any further comments leave below!!!

Wednesday 1 May 2013

A2 Media Studies- Ancillary Texts

Ancillary Texts 

Recently i carried out a photo-shoot with Francesca the main character within my music video, i took over 300 photo's and i had to cut this down to the two best. Now after much thought and the use of photo shop to capture the image i wanted to portray i have chosen the final two images:

The winner for the DVD cover:

The winner for the poster:

This isn't the final product for my ancillary texts, however they will be up soon so i hope your looking forward to it. Hope you enjoyed my post!!!

Friday 26 April 2013

A2 Media Studies- Ancillary Text Research

Research into ancillary text content  

When looking at DVD covers there are many logo that are presented on the DVD covers and therefore i did further research into this in order to include this on my DVD cover. 

My music video is PG and this means Parental Guidance, the image below is what it looks like on a DVD cover:

 The reason why age ratings are placed on DVD covers is to ensure any underage personnel doesn't become distressed or upset from any inappropriate content that may be shown such as drug use, sexual content or violence ect.

My music video doesn't contain any distressing content therefore i have placed my age rating at PG, the reason it needs parental guidance is because it contains feature of moderate fighting and adult content. However, it would affect any person negatively

Thursday 25 April 2013

A2 Media Studies- Ancillary Text Content

Ancillary Text Content 

The image shown below is otherwise known as a bar code and it's on most if not all DVD covers in order for the retailer to know more about the selling content.  This, you can see on my DVD cover, I have done this in order to make my DVD cover to appear more realistic to the viewer. 

Also these logos below will be included on my DVD cover to make it more autehntic and realistic to my target audience!

 have also included this logo on the spine yet again to make it look authentic and realistic to my target audience. 

I have also included this logo on the spine yet again to make it look authentic and realistic to my target audience. 
This is an example of one of the DVD covers i looked at:
Hope you have gained more useful information from my blog and have a better understanding of my music video and DVD cover content!!

Wednesday 24 April 2013

A2 Media Studies- Personal Release Forms

Personal Release Forms 

In order to legally include my cast members into my A2 media portfolio i had them fill in a personal release form, this allowed me to guarantee the rights to my actors involvement. 

Below is the personal release form that my characters had to fill out in order to take par within my Music Video: 

Saturday 20 April 2013

A2 Media Studies- Rating the Production

Rating the Production 

In any film or music video release it's important to rate the films in order for it to be suitable and appropriate for the viewer preventing any risk of distress. 

Below are the Ratings from the BBFC Certification: 

The BBFC are the company who make the film or video age appropriate for the viewer and the screen shot below is of there modernised up to date website:

This is the link to the website if you want to have a look for yourself:

Thursday 28 March 2013

A2 Media Studies- Ancillary Text Research Poster

Ancillary Text Research Poster

The Second part to the completion of my Ancillary Texts is to create a poster in order to promote my Music Video to the single 'Give Your Heart A Break'. 

Therefore i researched into other artists and the posters they have come up with in order to promote their singles and music videos to their intended audiences. 

The first artist i looked at is ADELE for her album 21. This a extremely simple poster and she has used the cover of her DVD cover on her Poster. I like the fact that she has kept it black and white as it gives off that more mature vibe.     

The next poster i looked at was form the very popular band 'Plan B' and their album 'The deformation of Strickland Banks'. Yet again this is another poster that has taken the DVD cover and its simple yet effective and eye catching thats why i really like. It's a simple  way of catching the intended audiences attention.

Another poster i looked at was Lady Gaga's 'Alejandro', which is a single to a music video she released. the poster are images that are within the music video showing the continuity between the music video and the poster. I think this is a really effective poster and something i may consider to include within mine.

This is the research i carried out for my poster for my Ancillary texts in order to get inspiration and an idea of what the poster should look like in order to promote to my intended audience.

Friday 15 March 2013

A2 Media Studies- Ancillary Text Research DVD Cover

Ancillary Text Research DVD Cover 

As I'm doing a DVD cover for my music video single 'Give Your Heart A Break' and a poster i wanted to research into other people have come up with and see if i can try and make a DVD and poster which matches up to what they have done.

Here some research into the DVD covers. One of my favourite bands of all time is 'Green Day' and therefore i found this and i thought it was really interesting for a green day DVD cover...

As Green Day are a rock band they have gone for the dark colours, blacks, whites and greys. But what really makes this album/ DVD cover pop is the red, which i find to be a great way to make this DVD cover eye catching and enticing to their intended audience.

Another artist I'm really interested in is the one and only 'Lady Gaga' she is something different and that inspires here very niche audience, i think the fact she is so different makes her intriguing to audiences. Below is her DVD cover for her collection of music video's.

This Music video DVD cover inspires me, it something that is not only eye catching but interesting and audiences want to see what's inside. It's a very mature type of DVD cover and that is something i want to strongly include on my DVD cover and also i want to reflect that on my poster. I also like that dash of colour incorporated on the back cover, so i think will consider maybe incorporating that as well.

Here are someother examples of DVD cover for music video's, but i didnt really think they were relevent to my music video but they are pretty nice....

This is th research i conduncted on my ancillary text of a DVD for the music video i have created hope you enjoyed and have a better idea of what im looking for when it comes to my music video DVD cover!!! 

Wednesday 13 March 2013

A2 Media Studies- Photoshot For Ancillary Text

Photoshoot For Ancillary Text

As I'm creating a DVD cover for my music video and an advertisement poster, I needed to get some shots that i can edit and photo shop in order to get the image i was looking for. Therefore i took my lead character 'Francesca Montanino' and we took a variety of different shots to capture my vision. 

I wanted to go for a mature look when it came to the DVD cover and poster and i wanted it to be extremely classic, therefore i tried a number of different things in order to capture this. Here some examples below:


After i had done the photo shoot i needed to edit the photo's therefore i used my Imac, with various editing technology and i also used photo shop. Below are the very few photo's that i have eidted, but its extremely difficult picking one that fits the song....hope you like what i have done with the pictures:




There is so many to choose from and if you have any suggestions that would be great!!! need to edit them further to make them more realistic, but this is what i have done so far!! Not sure which pictures I will be using for my DVD cover and Poster just yet but i will keep you posted and show you first before creating them. Hoped you enjoyed my post and are excited about what is to comes from my DVD and poster covers.  

A2 Media Studies- Ancillary ary Text Research

Ancillary Text Research

As you know i am doing a music Video for my final piece in A2 media studies. When choosing the following breif:

A promotion package for the release of an ablbum, to include a music promo video, together with two of the following 3 options:
  • A website homepage for the band
  • A cover for its release on DVD
  • A magazine advertisement for the DVD
The options above are known as our auxiliary texts and i have chosen to do the:

  • A cover for its release on DVD
  • A magazine advertisment for the DVD
Therefore i will be taking out some research on a DVD cover and a Magazine advertisment which i have chosen to be a poster!!

Below is the poster and DVD cover for Demi Lovato and 'Give Your Heart A Break':

Above is the actual poster for Demi Lovatos 'Give Your Heart A Break' single release!!!

Above is the DVD/ CD cover for Demi Lovato's  'Give Your Heart A Break' single release!!!

E News also did advetisement for Demi Lovato and this is the poster they came up with to help the star advertise her new single.

 I will be doing further research into DVD's and posters i like as i want a completely different look to Demi Lovato because i want more of a sexy, striking look and less soft.
Hope you enjoyed my post!!!

Tuesday 5 March 2013

A2 media Studies- Music video Research

Music video Research

When Taylor Swift released her new song 'I knew you were trouble when you walked in' i didnt think it was anything that would i would enjoy and i assumed before not watching the video it was going to be innocent and boring. However i was truely mistake....

Take a look yourself:

Okay yes i have to admit that the introduction is a little dragged out and long winded, however it ties the whole story together. What i like about this music video is it's different, something out of the artists 'Norm' as they say and we dont expect that type of person to come out in that music video. It gives Taylor Swift a new image and makes her more relateable to a different type of audience, after watching this i certainly have more respect for her as an artist and the surprises she has to offer. 

Hope you enjoyed the music video and have been more inspired to listen more to taylor swift, i know after watching this video im a new fan.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

A2 Media Studies-More experimental filming

More experimental filming

Here is more experimental filming for my music video 'Give your heart a break' by Demi Lovato. In this i wanted to capture the fun side of the relationship between the characters, i first demonstrate and then my actors give it a go and it really works will see this in the music video!!

p.s. sorry about the blurriness of the video its the best quality i could get it at...hopefully you can still see whats going on!!
Hope you enjoyed my post and have of insight to what my music video is going to offer :)

A2 Media Studies-Experimental Filming

Experimental Filming

In my music video i strongly wanted to experiment with the variety of shots i have. One of the shots we experimented with was the fake 'Slap', this is a dramatic slap to the face, normally used by actors. This is used to prevent other actors from becoming harmed. I demonstrated it to me actors Francesca and Fin and they gave it a go this is the footage i got...

Hope you enjoyed my post :)

Tuesday 19 February 2013

A2 Media Studies- Actor Styles

Actor Styles
In my previous post i was talking about the styles of my actors and this is what i have come up with for both of my actors.
This is Francesca's style that we went with for the music video, I'm giving you a sneak peak to whats coming....

For Francesca i went with the natural beach waves and a light smokey eye makeup, casual clothing with a nice zipper front black tank top and cut of jeans. This style is extremely relateable and in style relating to the teenage generation making the audience for my audience a mix between teens and young adults. I want to aim to this audience and make them more interested in watching and understanding the concept behind my music video.

For Fin i wanted the same casual style which looks a little like this....

I know its not a very clear picture, but for Fin i was thinking a in style casual jumper, with skinny jeans which is high in fashion at the moment. This makes Fin seem more realistic as a character and therefore the audience will believe in the video more and what i have to offer in terms of the emotions within the video.

Hope you enjoyed my post....untill next time bloggers!
Ciao for now x

Tuesday 8 January 2013

A2 Media studies- up to dating you

A2 Media studies- up to dating you 

In this post i have another podcast that is up-to-dating you about my production and hopefully you have a better understanding and insight into my music video and what i want to get out of it as a result. Well anyway her is more explanation in this podcast:

Hope you now have a better understanding of what is to come
Thanks for watching :D

Sunday 6 January 2013

A2 Media Studies-Change In Plans

Change In Plans
Originally i wanted to use a white rose for the music video....

However, after filming with the white rose and playing with the lighting a white rose seemed extremely dull and un-romantic. Therefore i decided to have a 'change in plan',which was to switch the white rose to a red rose.

I changed the colour of the rose because the red rose was more vibrant in colour and had a nicer flower within the light. Furthermore it was more romantic and more sensual to use the red rose as the colour gave it meaning and more passion between the two characters, which is what i wanted to portray with the my music video.

Hopefully the audience can see the message I'm trying to portray with the rose and much prefer ed rose effect on the music video, to see what happens you will have to watch the music video which is coming soon. Hope you enjoyed my post.

A2 Media Studies-Film Review 'The Impossible'

Film Review 'The Impossible'

Interested in a real life story i went to watch the film 'The Impossible' with main characters 
  • Mother Maria played by Naomi Watts 
  • Father Henry played by Ewan McGregor 
  • Oldest son Lucas played by Tom Holland 
  • Middle son Thomas played by Samuel Joslin 
  • and youngest son Simone played by Oaklee Pendergast 

'The Impossible' is based on the real live events of the 2004 tsunami on the 26th of December in Thailand on boxing day. This story starts with the family taking a vacation from Japan, in Thailand, however they are an English family. The family are taking a holiday for the Christmas period, getting away from reality of work and bills to have a nice break . 

However their idyllic holiday is brutally interrupted on boxing day morning the 26th of December 2004 , when a huge unexpected tsunami hits their beach resort. However after everything that happens the family survive.....but do they stay together, watch the film and you will find out for yourself. 

This film has some gory images and if you can stomach devastation and a little harsh images its a great film to watch. Its an overall heart warming story that is a bit of a tear jerker for the light hearted, hope you have a chance to watch the film as it truly is an eye opener.

Below is the trailer of the film 'The Impossible'   

Hope you enjoyed my post and got a chance to see the film 'The Impossible'.......