Sunday 6 January 2013

A2 Media Studies-Film Review 'The Impossible'

Film Review 'The Impossible'

Interested in a real life story i went to watch the film 'The Impossible' with main characters 
  • Mother Maria played by Naomi Watts 
  • Father Henry played by Ewan McGregor 
  • Oldest son Lucas played by Tom Holland 
  • Middle son Thomas played by Samuel Joslin 
  • and youngest son Simone played by Oaklee Pendergast 

'The Impossible' is based on the real live events of the 2004 tsunami on the 26th of December in Thailand on boxing day. This story starts with the family taking a vacation from Japan, in Thailand, however they are an English family. The family are taking a holiday for the Christmas period, getting away from reality of work and bills to have a nice break . 

However their idyllic holiday is brutally interrupted on boxing day morning the 26th of December 2004 , when a huge unexpected tsunami hits their beach resort. However after everything that happens the family survive.....but do they stay together, watch the film and you will find out for yourself. 

This film has some gory images and if you can stomach devastation and a little harsh images its a great film to watch. Its an overall heart warming story that is a bit of a tear jerker for the light hearted, hope you have a chance to watch the film as it truly is an eye opener.

Below is the trailer of the film 'The Impossible'   

Hope you enjoyed my post and got a chance to see the film 'The Impossible'....... 

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