Wednesday 13 March 2013

A2 Media Studies- Ancillary ary Text Research

Ancillary Text Research

As you know i am doing a music Video for my final piece in A2 media studies. When choosing the following breif:

A promotion package for the release of an ablbum, to include a music promo video, together with two of the following 3 options:
  • A website homepage for the band
  • A cover for its release on DVD
  • A magazine advertisement for the DVD
The options above are known as our auxiliary texts and i have chosen to do the:

  • A cover for its release on DVD
  • A magazine advertisment for the DVD
Therefore i will be taking out some research on a DVD cover and a Magazine advertisment which i have chosen to be a poster!!

Below is the poster and DVD cover for Demi Lovato and 'Give Your Heart A Break':

Above is the actual poster for Demi Lovatos 'Give Your Heart A Break' single release!!!

Above is the DVD/ CD cover for Demi Lovato's  'Give Your Heart A Break' single release!!!

E News also did advetisement for Demi Lovato and this is the poster they came up with to help the star advertise her new single.

 I will be doing further research into DVD's and posters i like as i want a completely different look to Demi Lovato because i want more of a sexy, striking look and less soft.
Hope you enjoyed my post!!!

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