Friday 30 November 2012

A2 Media Studies- Production Plan

Production of Music Video

In this post i'm showing how far i have come within my filming and prodction, this by showing the number of shots i have done and the series in which i have done them, i haven't completely finished filming however i plan to finish within the next couple of weeks...

Hope you enjoyed my post and no have a better idea on the path i want to take within my music video, also when i have the last shots filmed i will post them up for you on the production plan.

Friday 16 November 2012

A2 Media Studies- Music Videos

Contrasting Music Video's

In this post i will be looking at types of music videos that contrast to Demi Lovato's 'Give Your Heart A Break'.

After looking at many different types of music videos i found a few new artist releases that are the opposite to my music video. The first is 'Your Body' by Christina Aguilera

This music video is a contrast to 'Give your heart a break' because in the music video 'your body' its more about rebelling and fighting back by breaking others guys hearts and making them feel the pain that the main character feels instead of sorting out the situation.

Christina in this music video is showing her female dominance and showing how she is not going to be played by any male, because she can play them 10 times harder. Its impowering to females in the sense that she is showing them that they have power to control men and not let men control them. 

The next music video is 'One More Night' By Maroon 5

In this music video Maroon are showing the dysfunctional relationship of him and his 'Wife', 'Girlfriend' and 'Babies mother'. You can see from the music video that there is a false sense of the relationship and it’s not real and they put up with each other for their child.

At the end of the music video when the lead singer is left on his own because his wife/ girlfriend has packed up everything and gone, he doesn’t seem to bothered and says "I don’t know, whatever" showing that any chemistry between the two characters has truly disintegrated.

As you can see both of these music videos are an extreme contrast from my music video because in my music video my main character Francesca is showing how people can be wrong and have to appolgise for what they have said and done when their wrong. However in the music video's above are showing strong woman and dysfunctional relationships which can't be fixed. 

Hope you liked seeing the types of contrasts you can have when it comes to music videos and the way the artist feels about their life and other people within their life.  

A2 Media Studies- Screen Tests

Screen Tests

In class we were looking at screen tests as it will assist us when it came to filming for our final projects, which mine is the music video. A screen test is when the director goes out to a location similar to where they are going to film the final project, and do shots of scenes they may incorporate within their music video or any other project they may be taking on when it comes to filming.  

I took on the task of screen tests for my music video to give me some shots and angles which i may incorporate into my music video.

I had to consider many factors when it came my screen tests i had to think about the location and the limits i had when filming. For my location i had to use a wooded area within my school and my friend Sophie was a fit in for my actor and from this is could determine what shots i may use. For the screen tests i used 'Mr Brighside' by The Killers as i did not have my song and i wanted to play around and experiment with my screen shots and the editing for them.

Any way below is the final piece, i hope you enjoy...

Just to warn you i only did a small amount of filming when it came to my screen tests and only included the clips which i thought were most suitable and fun for when it came to my music video, and i have only around 50 seconds of clips. However i have left the rest of the song on the video just in case you wanted to hear and enjoyed that's why the screen goes black. Hope you enjoyed my screen tests is only a small glimpse into how good my final music video it's going to be.  

Thursday 8 November 2012

A2 Media Studies-Production


In this post i want to keep you up-to-date with whats going on within my media production and all the stages i have completed and need to complete. I will be posting podcasts about my production and how it coming along, below is the first inside into whats going on within my production.