Saturday 4 May 2013

A2 Media Studies- Final Music Video

A2 Media Studies final production

Finally i have completed my final copy of my A2 final media production of 'Give Your Heart A Break'. I have worked for month trying to get this exactly how i wanted it and im extremely pleased with the resualts I have recieved. 

I hope you enjoyed me music video!!

Friday 3 May 2013

A2 Media Studies- AncillaryTexts

Ancillary Text- Poster for Main Product

This is my final poster for my main product of the music video. I spent a lot of time choosing the correct picture and making sure the poster turned out exactly how i wanted it to. 

I believe my poster turned out really well and i think yet again this is still showing another side to my characters personality and also linking in with my main product as she is wearing the same dress as in the music video. I hope you like and leave me any comments letting me know what you think

A2 Media Studies- AncillaryText

Final Ancillary Text- DVD Cover

After much thought and hard work i have finally made my DVD cover to the music video I constructed, i hope you like it and any comments and thoughts would be much appriciated 

I believe that i have made a successful DVD cover for my main product as it shows a different side to my character and i hope you love it as much as I do :D

Thursday 2 May 2013

A2 Media Studies- Editing Ancillary Texts DVD Cover

Editing Ancillary Texts DVD Cover

This is the editing stages of my DVD Cover, i edited it in photo shop becasue i wanted to make as realistic as possible to the audience.  

Yet again i wanted to show a different side to my characters personality and also like this in with my main product and poster. Therefore the wall papaer links in with my poster and the screen shots on the back of my DVD cover links in with my main product. Also to make this as realistic as possible I have put the age ratings on and other stickers on it.

Hope you have enjoyed my post and leave me any comments below to let me know what you think!!

A2 Media Studies- Editing My Ancillary Poster

Editing My Ancillary Poster

In order to make my poster successful I spent allot of time on photo shop ensuring I captured the image that best portrayed a different side to my character yet that still links in with my main product.

Below is a screen shot of me editing my poster in photo shop....

In my poster i wanted to show a more mature side to my main character Francesca, however still linking it with my main product. Therefore the dress that is within my main product she is wearing in the poster to show the link. Her make-up and hair is showing the more mature side to her character making her more versatile and attractive to a wider audience.

There is more on my poster and i hope you enjoyed this blog
any further comments leave below!!!

Wednesday 1 May 2013

A2 Media Studies- Ancillary Texts

Ancillary Texts 

Recently i carried out a photo-shoot with Francesca the main character within my music video, i took over 300 photo's and i had to cut this down to the two best. Now after much thought and the use of photo shop to capture the image i wanted to portray i have chosen the final two images:

The winner for the DVD cover:

The winner for the poster:

This isn't the final product for my ancillary texts, however they will be up soon so i hope your looking forward to it. Hope you enjoyed my post!!!

Friday 26 April 2013

A2 Media Studies- Ancillary Text Research

Research into ancillary text content  

When looking at DVD covers there are many logo that are presented on the DVD covers and therefore i did further research into this in order to include this on my DVD cover. 

My music video is PG and this means Parental Guidance, the image below is what it looks like on a DVD cover:

 The reason why age ratings are placed on DVD covers is to ensure any underage personnel doesn't become distressed or upset from any inappropriate content that may be shown such as drug use, sexual content or violence ect.

My music video doesn't contain any distressing content therefore i have placed my age rating at PG, the reason it needs parental guidance is because it contains feature of moderate fighting and adult content. However, it would affect any person negatively