Wednesday 20 February 2013

A2 Media Studies-More experimental filming

More experimental filming

Here is more experimental filming for my music video 'Give your heart a break' by Demi Lovato. In this i wanted to capture the fun side of the relationship between the characters, i first demonstrate and then my actors give it a go and it really works will see this in the music video!!

p.s. sorry about the blurriness of the video its the best quality i could get it at...hopefully you can still see whats going on!!
Hope you enjoyed my post and have of insight to what my music video is going to offer :)

A2 Media Studies-Experimental Filming

Experimental Filming

In my music video i strongly wanted to experiment with the variety of shots i have. One of the shots we experimented with was the fake 'Slap', this is a dramatic slap to the face, normally used by actors. This is used to prevent other actors from becoming harmed. I demonstrated it to me actors Francesca and Fin and they gave it a go this is the footage i got...

Hope you enjoyed my post :)

Tuesday 19 February 2013

A2 Media Studies- Actor Styles

Actor Styles
In my previous post i was talking about the styles of my actors and this is what i have come up with for both of my actors.
This is Francesca's style that we went with for the music video, I'm giving you a sneak peak to whats coming....

For Francesca i went with the natural beach waves and a light smokey eye makeup, casual clothing with a nice zipper front black tank top and cut of jeans. This style is extremely relateable and in style relating to the teenage generation making the audience for my audience a mix between teens and young adults. I want to aim to this audience and make them more interested in watching and understanding the concept behind my music video.

For Fin i wanted the same casual style which looks a little like this....

I know its not a very clear picture, but for Fin i was thinking a in style casual jumper, with skinny jeans which is high in fashion at the moment. This makes Fin seem more realistic as a character and therefore the audience will believe in the video more and what i have to offer in terms of the emotions within the video.

Hope you enjoyed my post....untill next time bloggers!
Ciao for now x